Briony Carr-Clemente

Briony has taught in school systems in Paterson, NJ, Philadelphia, PA and New York, NY. As an AmeriCorps member in Paterson, she ran an afternoon preschool program. She then taught middle school in south Philadelphia as a Philadelphia Teaching Fellow and elementary school in the south Bronx as a New York City Teaching Fellow. Then she had the opportunity to become a founding member of a middle school in Harlem, and was a teacher, coach, Assistant Principal and, eventually, Principal. Briony also worked as a selector for the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, helping ensure that quality STEM teachers enter, and remain in, high-need New Jersey schools.

Briony received a B.A. in Political Science from Douglass College, Rutgers University, a M.S. in Elementary Education from Hunter College, The City University of New York, and a Certificate of Advanced Study from the College of Saint Rose. She holds New York State certification in Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Grades 1-6, School Administrator/Supervisor (SAS) and School District Administrator (SDA). She also holds New Jersey State Grades K-6, School Administrator, and Principal certification.


Recent Testimonials

The second place my kids call home.


Recent Testimonials

The teachers and leaders at this school are the most loving and most dedicated educators in schools. The school feels welcoming and warm. Kids LOVE coming to school and that is an important part of making life long learners.

Haven Staff Member

Recent Testimonials

Me gusta todo de Haven Academy, una de las cosas que tiene mi atención es que la principal de la escuela siempre esta disponible para dar la bienvenida a los estudiantes en la mañanas.

Recent Testimonials

The staff remembers your face and your child is treated with respect and courtesy. There is nothing but positive reinforcement and encouraging children to be the best.

Recent Testimonials

I wish I was a kid again, I would have loved to attend Haven Academy.

Haven Staff Member

Recent Testimonials

Me gusta todo, especialmente la atención y la comunicación que tenemos con los miembros del personal.


Recent Testimonials

With the support of Haven Academy, Principal Nauiokas, and the other teachers and staff, I feel part of a community—one that has the power to change our student's lives for the better.

Eric Lara - Special Ed Teacher

Recent Testimonials

Fulfilling Career Choice for Teachers and Leaders.

Haven Staff Member