Morris Johnson


In his 8th year as an educator, Mr. Johnson comes to Mott Haven Academy Middle School for Social Leadership by way of Baltimore Maryland. Over the course of his career he has taught in a variety of classroom environments and within a variety of teaching dynamics.

Mr. Johnson entered the teaching profession as a 2011 Teach for America corps member. He attended Goucher College where he received a Bachelor of Arts in Communications/Media Studies and Sociology. In 2013 he received a Masters of Arts in Leadership in Special Education, with a specific focus in secondary English. During his first four years of teaching, he served as a self-contained special educator where he delivered targeted instruction in social studies, ELA, world history, world literature and American literature.

Paired with his experience as an elementary and secondary level educator, Mr. Johnson has also served as an instructor at the post-secondary level both at Goucher College and Teachers College, Columbia University where he is currently a doctoral student in the field of English Education. His research explores topics such as critical pedagogy, culturally responsive and sustaining pedagogies, dialogical approaches to literacy instruction and trauma informed educational spaces.

Mr. Johnson’s educational philosophy is grounded in a belief that the field of education is an agency building enterprise. He believes that an educator’s greatest calling is helping to nurture in students a critical

Recent Testimonials

The teachers and leaders at this school are the most loving and most dedicated educators in schools. The school feels welcoming and warm. Kids LOVE coming to school and that is an important part of making life long learners.

Haven Staff Member

Recent Testimonials

The second place my kids call home.


Recent Testimonials

The staff remembers your face and your child is treated with respect and courtesy. There is nothing but positive reinforcement and encouraging children to be the best.

Recent Testimonials

Me gusta todo de Haven Academy, una de las cosas que tiene mi atención es que la principal de la escuela siempre esta disponible para dar la bienvenida a los estudiantes en la mañanas.

Recent Testimonials

I wish I was a kid again, I would have loved to attend Haven Academy.

Haven Staff Member

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Me gusta todo, especialmente la atención y la comunicación que tenemos con los miembros del personal.


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Fulfilling Career Choice for Teachers and Leaders.

Haven Staff Member

Recent Testimonials

With the support of Haven Academy, Principal Nauiokas, and the other teachers and staff, I feel part of a community—one that has the power to change our student's lives for the better.

Eric Lara - Special Ed Teacher