Students start their day being greeted by multiple staff members before they head to their classrooms at 7:45am. Each day begins with a morning meeting and a review of the schedule for the day. This predictable morning ritual ensures that every student has time to acclimate to the classroom and review what to expect for the rest of the day.
Students start their core subjects for the day, participating in learning with their whole class as well as small groups and individualized instruction. Socialization and play time is essential for students and there is time built in to play and interact with other students throughout the day.
In addition to academics and social emotional learning time, students also participate in specials: art, music, dance, tech, gym and electives.
The Haven day for Elementary School students ends at 3:25pm when students are either picked up by a family member, load dismissal buses, or begin their on-site after school program. After school programming is available to 100% of students.
Haven students experience a rigorous academic program grounded in a responsive learning environment. Individual learning needs are met through a combination of differentiated instruction, a small teacher-to-student ratio, and subject-specific instructional specialists assisting in classrooms. In addition to traditional academic subjects, the Haven team has developed a social-emotional curriculum designed to recognize the existing skills of students and further develop social and emotional skills.
The results that Haven students achieve reflect the impact of this model. Haven students outperform comparison groups on state math and ELA tests, particularly in younger grades. This is true for both general community students and students involved in the child welfare system. In other key metrics, like attendance, chronic absenteeism, special education referrals, and suspensions, Haven students involved in the child welfare system fare better than their peers in other schools.
Explore what a typical day looks like for an Upper School Student.